Our services

Our clinical staff provide the following services to enrolled patients

General Family healthcare
From the common cold, through diabetes, ear ache and hypotension, to Zieves Syndrome, we offer the full suite of general medicine consults for you and your family.
Cervical Smears
Our trained nurse smear takers will provide support and an expert service
Asthma Education
How to use your meds correctly, how to reduce exposure to asthma triggers and how to worsen your condition when the symptoms worsen
Childhood Immunisation
Our nurses are fully trained vaccinators. Immunisations are the best way to protect your child from dangerous childhood illnesses. The NZ vaccination schedule for children is free
Maternity Care
To ensure you are given the best advice for you and your baby
Illness Management
Assessment and treatment of all illnesses. This includes referrals to specialists or other healthcare providers where appropriate.
Mole Checks

If you notice changes to a mole, freckle, or spot, have it checked by a doctor immediately
Stop Smoking Programme
Accident Care
Assessment and treatment of minor and moderate injuries, including sprains, strains and lacerations.
Before School  Checks
The B4 School Check is free for all four year olds and is the last of your child’s Well Child/ Tamariki Ora health checks. It is a chance to have your child’s health and development checked and is an opportunity for you to talk with a registered nurse about your child and ask about things important to you. It’s a good idea for your child to have their B4 School Check soon after their fourth birthday, as that leaves enough time to follow up if needed before they start school.
Diabetes care
We have a team to help you understand and manage your diabetic care. We can help you to improve and manage your health.
An Electrocardiogram measures the electrical signals in your heart. This can help us identify issues and check your heart health. This is available for acute illness or as needed on request
Minor Surgery
We provider a range of minor surgery options in clinic. Speak to your doctor for further information

Wart Treatment
Our staff can successfully treat veruccas, skin tags and warts with liquid nitrogen.