Inspire Health

Did Not Arrive - DNA

We are getting an increasing amount of DNA cancellations or no shows on our doctor and nurse appointments. 
Appointments with our GPs and nurses are sought after, we would love more appointments available on the day, but sadly demand is high across the health sector, but we still do have one of the higher availability rates around.
However, if you don’t cancel without telling us, it is a wasted consult that could have gone to someone else in need, as well as a loss of income for us that could be used in our clinic. Consult slots are precious, we request that you give us at least 2 hours notice of a cancellation so we have the opportunity to rebook with another patient. Failure to give notice will result in a DNA fee of $20 being added to your account. If you do not want to be charged, please notify us 2 hours in advance or use the MyIndici portal to cancel.